November 20, 2010


Raindrops in the Ocean has it's own home now!  Find me at

For those of you who receive email updates, or those who don't and want to, you can sign up for them there.

And a quick update on my car situation: a family from Missouri has offered to donate me a car!  I will be able to drive it home after Thanksgiving.  Glory be to Jesus, He is faithful to provide. 

October 29, 2010


Months ago, my friend Stephanie was washing my car.  I went down to check on her and she turned to me and said, "I feel like God is saying that when something happens to your car, don't worry; He already knows and has something planned for you.  He has something better in mind."

Weeks ago when I had trouble with my clutch, God reminded me of this.  I got help with the clutch situation, and through the prayers of other and the ways God provided in that situation, my faith grew that He would take care of me.

See, my little blue Saturn was not the car I wanted at the time I got it, and though I often had a bad attitude about it, God was so faithful to take care of me.  From the time I bought it, I would have it break down (as in not even start on one occasion), and all I had to do was change the oil and pray and it would be back in good working order.  One friend was driving it five years ago and saw a mental image of the speedometer turning to 200,000 miles.  He said he felt it would keep working that long, that I would get a lot of miles out of that car without any trouble.  On a mountain top between Pismo and Portland, my car DID turn from 199,999 to 200,000 at exactly midnight.  It was cool.

I've logged a lot of miles in that car, in every way.

And last Friday, as I was turning left from a main road to a sidestreet, I got in a wreck.  I don't really want to post the story until it's all resolved, but it involves an unmarked curb, one hit and run, and one SUV...all at night.  My engine is cracked (as in torn all the way through) but I am completely okay.

From the first impact, I remembered all that God has done for me so far, and I knew I would be okay.  That faith that has been building up in me became a shield for me, and instead of tensing up, I relaxed and tried to figure out how to get out of the flow of traffic.  My car did it's job in protecting me...but I don't even have sore muscles or burns from my seatbelt or airbag.

My car is totaled and my insurance does not cover that.  I am thanking God for my health, my life, and waiting to see how He provides.

And for the time being, I am enjoying my bicycle and sharing rides.  ;-)

October 5, 2010

Hablo Esphanol?

I got to bring my favorite aspect of the Mexico trip back to Pismo with me: our students.  Before going to Mexico I had gotten to connect with some of them, but while we were out of the country I got to share a room with each of the three girl students at some point in the trip.  I got to know them much better through our travels together and then over the last few weeks before they left for Nicaragua.  It has been such a joy to share in their joys, struggles, and life lessons as they get their feet wet in ministry.  I love seeing people step out and grow in their gifting.

One example of this was with our student who left her job as a Spanish I teacher to join our Discipleship Training School.  In Mexico we often looked to her to translate for us, which was quite stretching for her.  Teaching Spanish I is very different from translating in the red light district in Ensenada.  We had a few trying experiences, but we also found a man who was very eager to speak with us: so eager that he was willing to go on in Spanish even though I had no idea what he was saying.  I was separated from our translators, including our student, so I started praying for understanding and came to understand that he was saying he had fallen many times but had hope and wanted a Bible.  I went and found our Spanish speaking student who was able to translate and encourage him, plus encourage me because I had understood him correctly!  We brought him a Bible the next day, but could not find him.  Instead we found a man who spoke English nearly perfectly.  God gave me some insights for him, and we were able to speak truth into his life, giving him the Bible we had brought.  The last night was a much more difficult evening, and after some considerable discouragement, we found the man from the first evening.  It was so encouraging to see him and talk to him again, and I had the honor of processing all these events with this young translator.

The last few weeks I have had the pleasure of praying for and pouring into all of the students on this Discipleship Training School, especially the three young women.  We sent them off to Nicaragua last week.  Please pray for them...I know it will be a life changing time.  It is exciting to get to know these students, even though I am not leading this school, I feel like part of me goes with them.

September 16, 2010

Hope and Chocolate in Mexico

In Ensenada I...

was romanced by a fierce and wild God.
lost hope.
remembered a death.
played violin on a rooftop to a butterfly dancing.
served a lot of hot chocolate.

met people who build Homes of Hope.
met people who need Homes of Hope.
met people who had Homes of Hope.

remembered what hope really is.

painted the tool shed at a women's recovery home.
played with the children at a women's recovery home.
preached on beauty at a women's recovery home.

served chocolate' caliente in the red light district.

got lost driving to Rancho Sordo Mudo, a school for the deaf.
(The children were still home for the summer.)
wept at stories of God's provision for Rancho Sordo Mudo. 

saw hope living at Rancho Sordo Mudo.

served chocolate' caliente in the red light district.

drove to Tijuana to help prepare for YWAM's 50th celebration.
joined in a worship celebration with people in LA, Brazil, Amsterdam, and other places through skype on steroids.
got my picture videoed and displayed on skype on steroids.  Awkward. 

did not serve chocolate' caliente in the red light district.

visited la Bufadora.
said "la Bufadora" a lot because it is a funny word.

served chocolate' caliente in the red light district.
played my violin.
in the red light district.

somewhere between the red light district, the cliffs diving into the sea, and my violin, I found hope.

Rest in the Lord, wait patiently for Him.  Psalm 37:7

Chuwl, the Hebrew word which is translated "wait" in the above passage means:

to twist, to whirl, to dance, to writhe, fear, tremble, travail, to be in anguish, to be pained, to whirl about, to bear, bring forth, to wait anxiously, to be born, whirling, writhing, suffering torture, to wait longingly, to be distressed

to hope.

More to come...

About Me

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Pismo Beach, CA, United States
I'm a midwest girl living in California, trying to find a way to change the world. My blog title "Raindrops in the Ocean" comes from the Sara Groves song "The Long Defeat". In my travels I have seen some of the darkest evil imaginable and some of the most stunning beauty as God ransoms the captive soul. I am left with hope, and the simple prayer, "God, use my life."